Since 2018 Academic mobility center and European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) are realizing the "EUROPASS RUSSIA" project, aimed to standardize information about qualification and professional experience of students or workers on European and Russian spaces.

Project implies the opportunity to issue 5 types of EUROPASS documents in Russian langueage for foreigners, who study or plan to study in the Russian Federation. It also aimed to inform Russian citizens about EUROPASS activities and assistance.

EUROPASS allows to issue following documents:

• Curriculum Vitae (CV)

• Language Passport

• Passport of Mobility

• Europassport annex to diploma of education (should be completed by education institution issued a diploma)

• Europassport annex to document of entry-level professional education

EUROPASS documents are recognized in all countries of the European Union and the Russian Federation and are the most appropriate formats for many European and other scholarship and internship programs, job placements.

While we are working on EUROPASS in Russian, learn more about EUROPASS tools.