Elena Lyapuntsova is a Ph.D. specialist in the field of computer science and computer technology; semiotics in technical systems; artificial intelligence, in particular, neural networks and neural-like structures. Moreover, also in the field of developing a modern approach to information theory (semiotic information theory).
She graduated from Taganrog Radio Engineering University (TREU) with honors with a degree in Electronic Computers in 1985.
In 1989 she defended her thesis on the topic "Development and study of the structure and principles of organization of local computer systems for the implementation of logical control algorithms" in TREU (SFedU).
She has worked as an adviser to the Council of Federation of the Russian Federation, became an assistant to the deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. During her occupation in Russian governmental institutions she participated in the International Forums on the program Innovative Universities 2013, was a member of the parliamentary delegation to the International Brussels Forum in May 2013, participated in congressional hearings in the State Duma, conferences and roundtables on intangible resources and intellectual property, on World Trade Organization (WTO) and Russia in the World Trade Center.
She is an Associate Member of the Russian-French Chamber of Commerce, member of the Expert Council International markets, trade and economic cooperation of the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship.
Elena is a head of the Working Group on Adaptation and Integration of Intellectual Property and Educational Programs in the Conditions of Russia's Accession to the WTO in the State Duma.
She was recommended by the President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Oleg Kuznetsov to join the working group on the preparation of a new Law on Science in the Russian Federation headed by the Chairman of the Subcommittee on State Scientific and Technical Policy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Currently she is the Head of the subgroup of technical universities of the working group of the State Duma Committee on Science and High Technology, Deputy Head of the subset on forming domestic demand for domestic high-tech products of the Foundation for Internet Initiatives Development under the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, is a member of the Union of Journalists of Moscow and correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Science.
She is a founder and Chair of High School Professors League that implements projects with the assistance of Russian President fund grants.